I like using Erlang as a scripting language instead of bash. Actually I had been using python quite a bit but erlang is more elegant and powerful I find. I like just creating a text file, new_command.escript, and kicking off my main function and building out smart scripting capabilities on the fly - generally processing files and navigating directories. Erlang is quite expressive on its own because I had not realized until yesterday that I’m not using any external libraries in my escript. That is until yesterday when I wanted to process some JSON by using the jsx ( or any other JSON ) library. Suddenly it seems this cannot be done without invoking a lot of rebar3 commands and build up a directory structure and all kinds of dependencies like a full blown Erlang app - exactly what I’m trying to avoid. I just want my escript text file and execute the thing.
Hopefully I’m missing something obvious but I’m on my second day trying this and no joy. Anyone know how I can do this? If it isn’t supported then by golly this is a major feature improvement I really need if I’m going to keep using Erlang as a scripting language.