Hi all, i was able to configure my VerneMQ authentication with database (postgresql). Just wondering is it vmq diversity support us to authentication with token based ?
When i asked to chatgpt they said it’s possible but when i tried the config such as DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY__AUTH__TOKEN__URL it will raises an error cuttlefish because the config is not correct. basically what i learn from chatgpt, if we want to used authentication with token we need to create our auth service it self then connect it with vmq diversity plugin. but i’m a bit confuse, since in vernemq documentation did not mention authentication with token based.
You’ll need a plugin that implements the auth_on_register hooks. The hook can be implemented in a native Erlang plugin, or within your WebHooks backend. You want to add the token to the password or username field in the MQTT connect packet, and VerneMQ forwards this information to your plugin with the expectation that the plugin provides an authentication decision.
but, i tried to use auth_on_register, when i try to connect vernemq this error appear
<0.670.0> vmq_mqtt5_fsm:check_user/3:1113: can’t authenticate client {,<<“testclient”>>} from due to plugin_chain_exhausted
i was double check to curl from my container to check my local webhook backend is reachable or not, from culr is good. also check vmq-admin webhooks show my webhook already registered to the plugin with correct url