Which machines/OS do you use for Erlang/BEAM dev?
FreeBSD on an x86-64 laptop as my daily driver.
At the time of this writing, Erlang/OTP from 21 to 24 are available as packages; version 24 being the default. It’s very easy to use them in parallel without the need to use a tool like kerl.
Also using FreeBSD here. The FreeBSD packages are very nice, I just switched my code over to using the new JIT in OTP 24!
I’m on OSX at the moment as I wanted an ARM laptop, but before that I was using Windows. Sadly Erlang on Windows was a bit frustrating, it didn’t work nearly as well as the other languages I was using at the time.
I hear the latest releases have improved a few things, so fingers crossed for next time I’m on that OS.
I’m also a long-time Linux user and I’m looking forward to trying FreeBSD at some point
I develop and release exclusively for Linux.
I am using mostly OSX for my work laptop, and have Gentoo on my personal laptop.
I wanted to run FreeBSD as my daily driver but I use docker containers and well the docker story isin’t so well in the BSD land. I have looked into jails, but unfortunately the people I collaborate with are all used to docker-compose up
It is more related to product but in CI we was do integrations as for MacOS, Windows, Linux. Locally of course Linux or/and Docker or Kubernetes for build more complex services.
I’m using Linux and Windows, but I’m keeping everything in Docker. With docker-compose I can run all I need (eg Elixir/Phoenix/Postgres) with just one command, on whatever system is booted
Windows with wsl(ubuntu)
I developed for osx, and release for linux
Ubuntu 20 on a Dell XPS 7590, installing via asdf
version manager.
OSX, targeting Linux
I use NixOS for development, and generally deploy to NixOS as well
Debian or gentoo.
Ubuntu 21.04 hirsute (x86-64) on a Dell Notebook with a Interl Core i5 processor.
Windows with wsl2(ubuntu)
- Windows with wsl2 (ubuntu)
- Linux (Arch)
Fedora and some rpis:)
Ubuntu and macOS. I install languages and databases etc through asdf.
I work on, develop for, and exclusively deploy on linux. Generally some variant of Debian (Kubuntu for desktop, Debian for servers, some Ubuntu servers in places), have a couple RedHat’s at work but it’s fragile. I experiment with other linux’s on occasion but they are… much more fragile, and though I can fix them, that does not make for a stable and trustworthy environment to work in.