What is the best framework out there to build a plain old CRUD admin website?

Hi all,

I am not exactly sure in which category put this question.

What is the best framework out there to build a plain old CRUD admin website?

Kind Regards

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Depends what you want to achieve but guess you could use GitHub - novaframework/nova: Web framework for Erlang.


If you’re building a “website” you may want something else, but if you need to add administration CRUD operations to an Erlang application inets httpd is a simple and effective way to do it.


My goal is to develop a web based Administration CRUD application.
It is a PoC, so I would love the quickest solution (therefore I am looking for a framework).
I have no existing app to start from.

I am considering Nova or Nitrogen, is there any piece of documentation that compares the two?
Otherwise I’ll try to make up my mind by their respective documentation.

Thanks a lot

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If you also need to manage content, like news articles and media (images, video), then Zotonic could be a solution.

As others said, depends on what your end-goal is.

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Woah here comes another challenger.
Didn’t expect so many options…

I guess I should really give these 3 framework a try.

Thank you

If you plan to do a client-side UI with a server-side API you might also have a look at elli. Designed for exactly that!


No, I need server side templating. Thanks for the tip anyway!

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Well I guess I’ll add Nitrogen to the list.

Oh nevermind you already knew that one.


Elixir/Phoenix would get you a basic CRUD setup with no programming.

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I am just looking for an Erlang alternative to Phoenix, our most common use case is CRUD “backoffice” websites.

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Nitrogen: https://nitrogenproject.com/
N2O: GitHub - synrc/n2o: â­• N2O: Distributed WebSocket Application Server ISO 20922


Just curious, why not Elixir+Phoenix?

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No reason. I mean, we are pretty happy with it.
Just wanted to explore alternatives and different possibilities in Erlang.

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Aha, well with my somewhat limited experience, I don’t think there exist anything that can compare to Elixir/Phoenix in the Erlang world.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Split posts from Crud framework thread

Nova is as good as Phoenix but for Erlang. What we miss is Ecto in Erlang.