Windows 10 - calling crypto:hash(sha,“123456”) causes the VM to crash

Windows10 environment,otp20.3 version

Calling crypto:hash(sha,“123456”). Causes the VM to crash

Windows7 is normal how to use crypto module in Windows10?


Have you tried a newer version of Erlang? Windows 10 was relatively new when Erlang 20 was released.


This was a problem with some Intel processors and some SSL version,
don’t remember the combination, but as @garazdawi said try a newer erlang version.


Welcome @yifanluo to our community! Could you post the code that is causing the crash please?

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For the function mentioned in the question, turn on ERL and call it manually

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Sorry about the late reply, been working on my project. I finally managed to test it and when I did it, my VM didn’t crash. I am on Erlang/OTP 24, so maybe you should try updating to the latest release of Erlang/OTP?

Screenshot Erlang/OTP 24

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