The configure scripts for wx application says that cross-compile is disabled by default and
it is an error trying to cross-compile wx. Anybody knows if there is an Erlang/OTP technical
consideration to not allow cross-compile support for wx application ?
I did some experiments using Yocto Project/Open Embedded (YP/OE) plus meta-erlang (1) support and I can run observer, wx demos and Wings3d on some platforms like qemuarm, qemuaarch64, rpi4 and rpi0.
Well, I had to apply some patches (2,3) in order to fix the configure scripts. And also enabling the correct
dependency chain like wxWidgets, libglu, … . As the YP/OE provides a safe environment to play with cross-compilation the last part was so easy. The missing part is enabling wxwidgets with webkit, still in progress.
The results are interesting mainly for those that want to build some kind of advanced IoT kiosk/totem like. However,
I didn’t get yet why cross-compile wx configure scripts is disabled in a vanilla Erlang/OTP. Is there some techinical issues in wx app or
is more because it is hard to get all the dependency chain for wxWidgets when cross-compiling it ?
1: GitHub - meta-erlang/meta-erlang: Erlang and Elixir support meta-erlang - Erlang and Elixir layer for Yocto Project/Openembedded
2: meta-erlang/0001-Enable-wx-cross-compilation.patch at master · meta-erlang/meta-erlang · GitHub
3: meta-erlang/fix-wx-configure.patch at master · meta-erlang/meta-erlang · GitHub