Erlang Radio idea!

Hi folks! Today I accidentally saw a tweet from @Taure and … I’m totally agree with he. I suppose it would be great if we will try to create some Erlang radio or Erlang impulse or any other video channel to try meet together every week, try to discuss anything about Erlang attendance at meetings is optional but desirable :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: - if there is no specific topic - well, let’s discuss the problems that each of us met during this week - then we can record and share video here for deep discussion with others who miss some meeting. Let’s try support existing Open Source projects or create new projects(as we do with @elbrujohalcon from time to time). Let’s try to create new topics, new information or describe some existing functionality which are not fully disclosed in the official documentation of Erlang/OTP together. I suppose it would be great if from time to time we will try to help each other with different projects, arrange hackathons for them etc.

But all those stuff cannot be done by one person, but can be done by Erlang community! :mechanical_arm:

From time to time I walk around the open spaces of Erlang projects and try to contribute but this contribution is not always appropriate or necessary for the project at the current moment. Let’s share what projects we can support, what kind of contribution can be add to them, what exactly is needed now for this or that project.

What do you think about it? Do you have any other ideas? Or maybe you think the ideas described above are not very suitable for our community - if yes, describe please why? What are your thoughts about how to help our community grow up and to make it more active?



There’s some good ideas for Erlang blog posts in this thread Viacheslav:

I still think @Maria-12648430 and @juhlig would be the perfect hosts :003:


yes, I was frustrated. :slight_smile:

One of the issues with the community or Erlang is to adapt to new things. It is wrong if it is not in a terminal, or I can run it with my emacs emailing a client.

But mostly, my frustration was about some companies I know will invest time in moving from Erlang to Elixir because it is easier to discuss new approaches and libraries. Also that developers are more eager to try new things.

As a company, it is understandable. If we look at blogs, pods, videos, and so on, 90% is Elixir.

I am happy to try something out. I have no clue how to do it, and I think it is better to try something than stand still and see the ship go down. Also, we could get in contact maybe with some of the Elixir pods to talk about Erlang. I think many of them would like to hear more about Erlang but don’t know who could or want to talk to them.

I really like that we try a Forum and see what we can build on it and share. It is a first step to unify the community but also attract new developers and companies. For me remove the obstacles to ask questions or share things is key if we want to move forward and not stand still.

This also reminds me about Freds talk about Erlang and build tools.
How things are, and how they could be by Fred Hebert - YouTube

I think we can’t wait 20 years to get a way to communicate faster and better with each other so this is a great first step.


But topics that could be interesting:

  • Web framework
  • Databases
  • Message passing, distributed Erlang
  • Erlang releases and hot code upgrade, docker, kubernetes
  • Testing and documentation
  • Erlang embedded